At least 12 Veterans in the UK are so seriously injured they are in the top tier of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) for wounded, injured or sick (WIS) Veterans. These individuals need specialist 24-hour care and support. They face a constant battle to make sure their long-term care, rehabilitation and social needs are met, are appropriately funded and expertly co-ordinated. Much of the support and therapy they need is not routinely provided by the NHS or the local authority. Additional financial support is essential if they are to receive the help they need to significantly improve their quality of life.

In many cases these people are the unexpected survivors of conflicts whose lives were saved due to modern medical advances and improvements in battlefield first-aid. In the past most would have died due to their extensive injuries. Many have survived complex injuries including multiple limb loss, brain injury and serious mental health conditions and will require specialist support through a complex care pathway for the remainder of their lives.

We believe these individuals should be able to go to sleep at night without worrying about their future support needs.

Read Our 'Improving the lives of our most seriously injured veterans' policy paper

December 2018

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