The Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) is currently out of step with medical guidance: it does not recognise or compensate veterans who suffer from diagnosed chronic pain. 

The very purpose of the AFCS is to compensate for ‘pain and suffering’ experienced by those injured, and their families, because of their service. 

Yet when it comes to pain, the system completely fails to consider the lifelong and extensive impact of these conditions.

Help for Heroes is calling on the Ministry of Defence to add chronic pain as a condition within the AFCS tariffs

Some definitions

Chronic pain is recognised as a distinct disease in its own right by the World Health Organisation (WHO). It is defined as a pain that persists for more than three months. 

Chronic primary pain has no clear underlying condition or is out of proportion to any observable injury or disease. 

Chronic secondary pain is a symptom of an underlying condition. Chronic secondary and chronic primary pain can coexist.

Why does it need to be added to the tariff?

By failing to have a tariff for chronic pain, the AFCS is at odds with how mental health injuries are compensated through the same system. Ongoing mental disorder is seen as a distinct condition from a physical injury it was initially associated with. Why should chronic pain not be seen in the same way? 

Additionally, current AFCS legislation does not include any higher or distinct compensation tariffs for secondary chronic pain, where the pain is over and above the initial physical effects of an injury, or if illness persists after these initial effects have resolved.

The moral case for this policy under the Armed Forces Covenant is highly compelling. The fact that claimants are specifically disbarred from making claims for chronic pain, that can directly and specifically be attributed to a traumatic or accidental injury that occurred during service, is unjust; and it reduces the capacity of the veteran to live well and be economically active after service. 

Such pain never resolves and is often considerably more debilitating than the original injury for which a compensation payment has been awarded. This needs to be recognised.

What we’re doing

  • In 2023, we included this ask as one of our top priorities for veterans at the next General Election.
  • We have also met with MPs and officials from numerous political parties in support of this policy.

Get involved in this campaign

To support this campaign, sign our petition calling for fair compensation for veterans living with chronic pain.


If you want more information on this campaign, please contact our Senior Public Affairs and Policy Manager Ted Arnold at