In crisis? Find out how you can get urgent support

If you need support urgently or outside of our working hours, please don’t hesitate to contact


Freephone their Veterans Support Hub for the military community on 0808 175 3075 (24/7) or email – to access confidential emotional support for feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.


A crisis text support service for people in the military community who are struggling and need immediate support to get through a crisis. Text CONTACT to 85258. #TextCONTACT85258

NHS 111

To access medical help fast but when it’s not a 999 emergency, telephone 111 (available 24 hours). To access information from the NHS on conditions, treatments, local services and healthy living, visit the NHS website.


For urgent psychological support, please call 0800 1381619.


For urgent housing support, please call 0808 800 4444.

What does the Help for Heroes Recovery College do?

We provide free courses and self- help guides to give students knowledge and skills to manage their physical and mental well-being, so they can move forward in their lives with confidence.

Our Recovery College was the first of its kind to be designed specifically by, and for, the Armed Forces community.

All our courses are co-designed and co-delivered by veterans, family members, and our Recovery staff. This means that the content has been created by people who understand or have experienced some of the challenges you face.

What courses do you offer?

Through our Recovery College you can learn how to take control of things such as


We offer three types of learning

1.Online group courses

On Microsoft Teams, which are co-delivered by Help for Heroes peer trainers and staff who help everyone get the most out of the sessions.

2. Self-help guides

That you can work through at your own pace at whatever time suits you.

3. In-person

Our Veterans Moving Forward course is run face-to-face. 

What can I expect?

You do not have to take any tests on the courses and there is no pass or fail. It’s just about giving you the skills and knowledge to have a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. It’s all completely free. 

You can take our courses while you're being supported by other teams within the Charity. This might be Hidden Wounds for you mental health and well-being or our veterans clinical team if you have a physical injury or illness.