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Amazing fundraiser David Brown, from Beccles, in Suffolk, has been shortlisted for a Pride of Britain award for his efforts in raising more than £110,000 for the Charity since 2009.

David and his late wife, Pat, ran a bake sale in their front garden for Armed Forces Day, in 2009, and raised £346 for us – but that was only the top tier of a fundraising cake which would become a monolith.

In 2020, David reached the incredible figure of £100,000 – all by selling cakes and savouries, making chutney, and holding raffles in his garden, in the town square of Beccles, and at shows in Norfolk and Suffolk. And he’s still adding to that total …

The Browns were inspired to hold their first bake sale because their daughter was in the Army and, when she returned from Afghanistan, they wanted to do something to support returning veterans.

Sadly, Pat passed away in 2016 after 48 years of marriage, but David decided to keep raising money to support us as it was a cause that was incredibly close to her heart.

I always knew Help for Heroes appreciated the hard work but to be nominated makes me very proud. It's the troops who need our help and to think I can help them is just beyond me."

David Brown

Superstar Fundraiser

Speaking to his local paper, the Beccles & Bungay Journal, David explained: “"Win or lose, it is a wonderful achievement to be nominated, especially knowing how large the region is. It's massive and to be one of just four nominees is fantastic. I was lost for words when I found out."

He has vowed to continue his efforts, although the current cost-of-living crisis has forced him to temporarily stop selling his homemade chutneys.

He said: "I've had to cut back on some of the things I do because the cost of groceries has shot through the roof. I still pay for everything myself, and I can't afford to keep everything going at the minute. My following has always been brilliant. You're only as good as your supporters.

"I work hard putting the stalls together, but it is the people who come and buy them who make it all worthwhile. A few have been asking about my chutneys, but they've all been very understanding when I explain."

David was nominated by our Area Fundraising Manager, Dean Williams, who said: “David is an inspiration to us all. More than £110,000 is an incredible amount of dough to make from selling cakes and chutney.

“We cannot thank David enough – for the bake sales he did with Pat and then carrying them on to keep her legacy alive. What they have done is extraordinary and the huge amount they have raised will have helped so many of our wounded veterans and their families stand strong and live healthy, purposeful lives.”

Fancy following in David’s inspirational fundraising footsteps?